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very kindly treated by a number of people whose kindness I was at the time to sulky to appreciate - Mr Hubbard and Mr Raymond were particularly kind to us, and always very obliging - I liked R.B. Woodward of the What Chun House - He is a character and I think you might induce him to go into some heavy collections - He is not the man to start into it at once - but next winter Dall may get him at it. - He now lives in Napa Vally where he has a big Ranch. The Klinkofstroms as Ive said were, however, my special consolation. 

Barring the above I should say as a general [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] summing up - D-n San Francisco! It is one immense money grubbing establishment

I've not been able to do much or get much done here for Nat Hist. yet, but have some hopes. The Hud Bay folk are not true Nor westers but a sort of slow coach merchants with no [[underlined]] esprit du corps [[/underlined]] or jolly good fellowship as in the north - and as "red tapey" as possible. Allen Francis of Illinois is consul here - I shall try him on and I've several young englishmen in train. Col Bulkley takes one young chap from here as a sort of Artist - I think he is a good chap and

Transcription Notes:
- "What Chun" is "What Cheer" in the original - "englishmen in train" is "englishmen to train" in the original