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[[circular stamp]]
[[outer circle: Smithsonian Institution.]]
[[inner circle: DEC 31 1865]]
[[/circular stamp]]


of men who'll get a chance at Nat History here next spring and in winter & of course the bulk of the party will winter [[strikethrough]] at or [[/strikethrough]] below ^[[and]] Frt Youkon [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] 9which is not over 700 miles [[strikethrough]] overland [[/strikethrough]] from here taking the overland to Nulato by the Zagoskins route.

I only write now for the ^[[small] chance of your getting this sooner by the steamer than by the Barque - I think the Barque will be first to Frisco - If you do get this before the longer letters I write by the Barque please let my mother Mrs Walker Stym read it. - But pray for Gods