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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] Minneapolis [[/underline]] [[underline]] May 14 [[/underline]], 1896 Left Minneapolis at 7:40 ^[[insertion]] P.M. [[/insertion]] on the C.St.P. & Omaha R.R. [[underline]] May 15 [[/underlined]] Daylight at Sioux City. Waited for train to Columbus via Norfolk & had to wait again at Columbus from 12:30 to 6:15 for train west on U.P. Crops good, lots of rain, rained all day. Cold & chilly Saw one Lepus campestris & some Cynomys. [[underline]] May 16 [[/underline]] Daylight at Sidney, Neb., breakfast at Cheyenne. Lunch at Laramie. Grass good all along. Stock looks well. Not many farms. Saw the first Spermophilus elegans 2 miles east of Cheyenne. Saw one antelope just west of Laramie. Dark at Green River City. Stopped at Fossil at 10:30 & went to bed in a little log cabin. [[underline]] May 17. [[/underline]] At daylight I found 2 inches of snow on the ground & the air so full of snow I could not see across the valley. Went out & tramped till 10 A.M. & found lots of Spermophilus elegans & shot 2. Saw several L. campestris & a Sage hen. No Chipmunks. So snowy & slippery I could not get up to the fossil strata
Transcription Notes:
Reviewer- took out extra spaces between lines as Bailey's indents not needing to be reproduced; and corrected indications of underlining.