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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]]Hams Fork[[/underline]] Took the 10:23 train back to Hams Fork which is 300 feet higher than Fossil & is close to the divide between Hams Fork River & Twin Creeks. Hunted till nearly night but could not find a Tamias. Shot lots of S. armatus but no S. elegans. Shot a Lepus campestris & saw others. The snow left before noon but it is cold & windy. Almost no flowers or green plants. The Uintah Mts. are in full view on the ridge & are all snowed under. A snowy range shows to the north. Took the west bound train at 10 P.M. A clear night and a young moon enabled me to watch the country and see that we followed down an open valley to Bear River Valley. [[underline]]May 18[[/underline]] Woke up at daylight near American Falls, Idaho. The night was cold and ice covered little pools in the morning. Low white and yellow flowers fairly blanket the Snake Plains in places. Grass is well up. Sage leaves are coming out fresh and green. Sarcobatus is in flower. Grayia is full of seeds. As we descend to the Snake River valley at Glenns Ferry the flowers become numerous and vegetation is far in advance of that on the higher lava covered plains. We have the river valley again and
Transcription Notes:
Uintah = Uinta. Corrected the spacing as we don't need to transcribe line endings, (and they were out of sync).