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[[underlined]]May 21[[/underlined]]
My best horse is missing. has got out of the pasture and gone I spent most of the day looking for him but without success.

Preble came today.

Flowers are abundant and many of the species are entirely new to me.

Some hill slopes are yellow, others are blue, others white.

Today was clear & warm & springlike. The spring has been cold & wet up to the present time.

[[underlined]]May 22[[/underlined]] Rained nearly all day. Could not do much in forenoon but in PM went out & set traps & hunted. Decided to stay at the hotel over Sunday and see if we could not hear of the lost horse.

[[underlined]]May 23[[/underlined]] Found my horse - old Stack. Went to a horse sale near the [[strikethrough]]fork of[[/strikethrough]] junction of the Wallowa and Minam rivers but did not buy a horse. Came back 9 miles in a hard rain & hail storm. Did not kill any thing. Preble caught only a shrews tail but set a lot more wire traps & made up skins.

Mr. Stanley tells me that a [[underlined]]red fish[[/underlined]] like those of Wallowa Lake are common in the Chewaukan R. between Albert Lake and the big marsh.