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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Pitt R. Valley [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 1 [[/underlined]] Broke camp early and continued 6 or 8 miles on top of the lava plateau, then struck the rim of the Pitt R. Valley at Black Canyon and descended over steep stony road to bottom of valley at Canby. Turned east and followed up valley to Alturas & camped a mile east of town. The valley is about 30 miles long - east & west, & 5 to 15 miles wide. The soil is mostly gumbo & unproductive of useful things. A strong Sonoran element marks the flora. No place found suitable for Perodipus. Extensive beds of stratified and colored clays & sandstone suggest fossil deposits at south end of valley. Several large hot springs occur in the valley. One where we stopped at lunch is boiling violently. & pours out a large stream of water slightly charged with sulphor & other mineral. The water is not unpleasant tasting. Crops are poor & few. Some alfalfa is raised & we saw one small orchard of apple trees. The lower end of the valley, just below Canby, is closed in to a narrow canyon of lava rock.