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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Alturus & south [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 2 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Perognathus & some Peromyscus Started at 7 AM & traveled nearly due south till 5 P.M. & camped on divide at head of South Fork of Pitt R. Came about 25 mi. through open valley of sagebrush lying along west base of Warner Range. An immense tule marsh occupies the greater part of bottom of valley. Many good looking stock ranches are located along the marsh. The soil is not so full of gumbo & some of it is sandy & mellow. The rise at south end of valley is stony & rough but open & rather barren. Many springs break out near divide. Sonoran plants are conspicuous along bottom of valley & up to near top of divide but not quite over. Perognathus holes are numerous in sagebrush valley bottom, but Perodipus signs are not sure. I set some traps along road to get on return. Camped early & [[strikethrough]] set [[/strikethrough]] made up skins but found nothing to set traps for. A clear day, rather warm. Roads good, dusty.
Transcription Notes:
"Tule" is another word for bulrush.