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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Madeline Plains [[/underlined]] [[underlined June 3 [[/underlined]] Left our camp on summit of ridge at 6:30 AM & descended into Madeline Valley. Traveled south till 1 PM. & camped by a spring on south side of valley. Came about 25 miles, most of the way over smoothe road along edge of valley. Madeline Plain is a flat lake bed about 40 miles long & 10 to 20 miles wide, very level but slightly sloping to the south & drained by a natural channel to Honey Lake. Three heavy shorelines & in places many intermediate smaller ones show on the slopes all around the valley. The upper one is about 100 feet above the bottom of the valley. The hills around the valley are not very high & are scattered over with brush & Junipers & Cercocarpus ledifolius. They are mostly dry. A few small streams & springs come down along west side of valley. A few ranches. Splendid grass & not much stock except on west side. Good soil. big sagebrush. A few good Sonoran plants grow over all of the valley bottom & to about 6 miles of the edge of range same species in Pitt R. Valley. An open ridge about 200 feet above range of Sonoran species & about 6 miles wide separates the Pitt R. Valley & Madeline Plains. A barrier easily overcome by most species. Killed a Lagomys & Tamias & saw Arctomys & set 50 traps.