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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Swan Lake Valley [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]] Caught a few things & set a lot more traps. Walter Fisher came in P.M. [[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]] Sunday, Had a lot of mammals to save that kept us busy till noon. Then went to a picnic for dinner. Wrote report in P.M. [[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]] Took up traps and started across the valley to the opening at S.E. corner, went over a low ridge to Dairy in Alkali Valley and then north to the head of Whiskey Creek, between Yainex Agency & Yainex Butte and camped at 3 P.M. Came 25 miles. Alkali & Swan Lake Valleys are mainly Sonoran. Timber covers the ridge after leaving Alkali Valley. Camped at old Saw mill at about 5400 feet. A cool day with a shower late in the day. [[underlined]] June 15 [[/underlined]] Followed down Whiskey creek through good timber of ponderosa & Pseudotsuga to the open sagebrush valley of Sprague River. Then followed up Sprague River to Bly and about 8 miles farther east, and camped on a little creek near Round Grove (ranch). Sprague River Valley is contains a large area of grass or meadow land and also of dry sagebrush valley. It is mainly Transition with a few scattered plants of Sonoran species