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The principal valley plants are Artimesia tridentata, cana, & trifida; Bigelovia albicaulis, tortifolia ?, & one other species; a few Tetradymias, Ribes aureum — [[camas?]] is abundant in the meadows. Ranches begin at edge of Klamath Reservation but are generally only hay ranches.

The surrounding country is all land ridges and craters. Yainix Butte and a dozen others are old cones in a good state of preservation. Lava rock covers most of the country. All but the valley is covered with pine timber. Snow lies on the tops of several of the Buttes including Yainix. For the last 6 miles we traveled over a broken lava bed in the north end of the Devils Garden.

Saw a few sage grouse.

Camped at 4 PM & set traps - shot a Lynx & had to skin it.

Came about 30 miles.

[[underlined]] June 16 [[/underlined]] Left camp at 7:30 and passed Round Grove ranch in about a mile. Then followed up a little creek through open timber to the summit about 7 miles from starting place, then down a gentle grade about 3 miles to a small creek in Quartz Valley and down this creek to Drews Valley. Found a fresh beaver dam just below Quartz Valley and returned to near it so as to set traps and camped about 10 miles from morning camp. Good timber of P. ponderosa, p. murryana, Pseudotsuga, & Libocedrus & Populus tremuloides.

Transcription Notes:
"Artimesia" is Artemisia but transcribed as written. "Yainix" is Yainax but transcribed as written. He always writes "murryana" for murrayana. Added in "cana" at start of second text line. replaced Ribes cereum with Ribes aureum, unsure about the word [[camas?]] after Ribes aureum as there appear to be too many letters for [[camas?]] to be correct. Have attempted to search for both a different genus or alternative a species of Ribes with no luck. -@siobhanleachman