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The canyon below and general setting of the falls is pretty. The valley of White River above them is full of trees and farms and the black forest of the Cascades with Mt. Hood above it seems close by.

Sandy bars and points are common in the Des Chutes Canyon and offer good harbour for Perognathus & Perodipus and such Sonoran species as inhabit mellow soil. S. douglassi & S. chrysodeirus are common along the canyon on both sides of the river. 

The canyon is a great winter range for stock and has been pastured off on the slopes & table tops till almost every vestage of vegetation is killed, even the bushes are killed. The whole canyon region has a uniform brown color from bare lava rocks or equally bare soil.

There is a nice hotel at the bridge kept by Mr. & Mrs. Sherar, an interesting old couple full of early experiences in Calif. & the west.

Indians were camped on both sides of the river catching eels. They had great quantities of dried eels in the wickiup & were cleaning fresh ones. We bought 3 and found them good but rather too oily.

Camped at Nansene, 13 miles from Sherars Bridge. Came about 25 miles.

North of the Tigh Ridge the country is open and farms are frequent. Good grain is raised without irregation. The Plains of the Columbia begin. The peculiar rounded mounds of lava regions are numerous and large.

Transcription Notes:
"Tigh Ridge" should be Tygh Ridge (a few miles south of Nansene), but transcribed as written.