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[[underlined]] Wadsworth, [[/underlined]] Nev.

[[underlined]] May 6. [[/underlined]] The outfit arrived from Klamath Falls, Oregon, last night with Bunny Casey in charge. The horses were rather tired from a 300 mile drive in 9 days and are still poor after their winter rustling.

Got our supplies for 2 weeks, packed up and started at 10 AM for Stillwater, where Oberhalser is at work. Drove 25 miles to the first ranch on the Carson River and camped at about 6. Set out a line of traps.

Found splendid road over generally level playa, with hard bed most of the way. In places the sand has drifted into big dunes & ridges. There are great bare alkalie flats, smoothe as a floor At a narrow gap about 12 miles from Wadsworth are masses of Thinolite & Dendrite covering the original rocks to a thickness of 6 or 8 feet. It is fresh & very pretty, looks like coral of a brownish color.

Vegetation very scattered & scanty. Much bare ground, no grass, or only a few scattered bunches of Oryzopsis.

Many lizzards & horntoads, few birds and plenty of small mammals.