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[[left page blank]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] 1898 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Westgate to Eastgate [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] May 12 [[/underlined]] Caught Perodipus, Dipodomys, Onychomys, Perognathus, Peromyscus & Ammospermophilus. Waited to make up skins and did not start till noon. Traveled east across the south end of White Rock Valley to Mr. Daltons ranch at Eastgate and camped at 3:30 P.M. Aneroid at Westgate 4950, at Eastgate 5550. All the way up a slight grade and up a dry water course. The valley is dry and coverd with the usual set of grass brush, Artemisia tridentata & spinescens, Atriplex canescens, confertifolia, & lentiformis? Sarcobatus vermiculatus & baileyi, Tetradymia & Bigelovia. Low, bare Mts. all around. Mt. Grant to the NW has some snow on the peak & scattered timber over the sides, is probably 8000 feet high. The mts. east of [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] us - Mr. Dalton calls them the Pahute Mts. - are quite high, have some snow on the summits & a timberline of probably junipers 1000 feet below the top. Rained in evening for an hour or so. [[end page]]