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[[underlined]] to Love & Reese River [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] May 14 [[/underlined]] Caught 2 Perodipus, some Peromyscus, Onychomys, 2 Microdipodops, a Neotoma desertorum. Oberholser got 2 Neotomas & a Perognathus & Peromyscus & Onychomys. Got a Horned Owl & 2 of the 3 young.

Followed down the gulch about 2 miles to end of a valley that slopes off to the S.W. & that may be the end, or an arm, of Lodi Valley. Turned to the east, crossing the end of this valley at only 100 feet below camp & climbed up an easy grade to summit of the low range west of Love Valley, then across a wide, Transition valley or sage plain about 20 miles diagonally across to Love (same as Midas), then over the crest of the Shoshone Mts. & down to Reese River. Distance about 30 miles. Aneroid at camp 6250, in end of first valley 6150, top of first ridge 7000, bottom of Love Valley where crossed 6800, Love 7400, Summit of Shoshones 8000, Reese River 7300.

A full set of Sonoran plants begins at our last nights camp & extends across the end of the Lodi Valley. From summit of first ridge across Love Valley