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[[underlined]] West base of Arc Dome [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 22 [[/underlined]] Set traps and hunted around camp to get the lay of the land before climbing the mountain. Hope for a clear day tomorrow to go to the top.

[[underlined]] May 23 [[/underlined]] - Snowed all night woke up with 4 inches of show on my bed ^[[& in my shoes]]. Still snowing and windy. Concluded not to go up the Mt. Took a long tramp over to the head of the main fork of Reese R. on the south side of the Mt. but did not get much. Found where a sawmill had been run and the available timber cut on the head of this creek. The Pinus flexilis is scrubby but logs 16 feet long, 2 feet at base & 1 foot of top can often be cut from it. Little portable mills have been put up & the logs cut from each gulch where enough of the pine grows.

The snow soon melted so nothing could be tracked - Saw old deer signs but none fresh. Saw one Arctomys & a Dendrogapus but failed to get either.

Oberholser went down to the Coyote traps but got nothing in them. Shot a Tamias of each species.

Fresh snow all gone at night.