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[[underlined]] Arc Dome [[/underlined]]

On top are a lot of old rock buildings that must have been quite large houses. Two rows of old walls stand 40 feet below the summit on the S. slope & two buildings or circular towers on top were fitted up for some kind of instruments.

The view from the top of Arc Dome is one of the widest and finest I ever saw - The whole Sierra Nevada range south to where it is hidden by the White Mts. is in view and all of the desert ranges and soday valleys between. Mt. Magruder and the Grapevine Mts. to the south stand at the end of [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] a long flat region, or open valley country extending south from Cloverdale to the foot of Mt. Magruder. This same open stretch of country seems to come up into Smoke Creek Valley, but the mts hide part of it. Smoke Creek Valley extends past and away to the north & is largely an alkalie flat A little water stands near its middle. A few ranches are scattered over it & roads cut it across in many ways. The Smoke Creek Mts. have some snow & scattered timber