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[[underlined]] Smoky Valley. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 31 [[/underlined]] From Cloverdale we traveled east and N.E. over mostly level country for 20 miles and camped at Peavine ranch on Peavine Creek in the south end of Smoky Valley. Followed around the edge of the mountains in the great open valley that stretches south and is 20 miles wide, level, and rather barren. No sagebrush grows in the valley. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Sarcobatus baileyi, Atriplex confertifolia, and Artemisia spinescens are the dominant plants. There are other desert shrubs and a little grass in the valley. We passed several springs and saw a good many cattle

Passed San Antonia to our right down in the middle of the valley.

[[underlined]] June 1 [[/underlined]] Staid at camp all day, made up skins and Oberholser set traps. I was too sick to go out.

[[underlined]] June 2 [[/underlined]], Left Peavine and continued north up Big Smoky Valley about 20 miles and camped at the first ranch south of the hot Springs and 3 miles north of Wood's Ranch. Some large springs came out