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[[underlined]] Smoky Valley [[/underlined]]

of the side of the valley and form creeks that run a mile or so toward the bottom of the valley. The water is not very cold Cresses grow in the springs & streams and lots of little fish (like Cyprinidon baileyi?) live in them. Wet meadows and water holes bring lots of birds. Fertile spots of this sort occur along the side of the valley

The Toiyabe Mts. rise abruptly from the edge of the valley with a high, very rugged and steep slope. We are at the base of Arc Dome, but the range is so steep on this side we could not see the valley bottom from the peak.

The big alkalie flat in the middle of Smoky Valley begins here and runs north a dozen miles or more.

Many Transition Zone plants come down into the side of the valley from the mountains. The little peach is common and is loaded with half grown, fuzzy peaches.