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[[underlined]] To Belmont [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 3 [[/underlined]] Started east across the valley up the east side & up a canyon past the old mining camp of Jefferson, then over a high divide and down a long canyon to the edge of the Monitor Valley, then south 6 miles to Belmont. In all 28 miles. Camped at Belmont.

One the west side of Smoky valley there are many Transition plants - Sagebrush, Bigelovias and peach & Shepherdia, on the east side the plants are all Sonoran with no sagebrush. Sonoran Zone continues well up the gulch with Sarcobatus baileyi as a dominant plant. Then Junipers, Pinus monophylla & Cercocarpus begin and reach nearly to the summit but a strip of Boreal runs along the ridge and covers the high peaks on both sides. Mt. Jefferson, close on our north is said to be over 12000 feet high It is will capped with snow but does not seem to be as high as Arc Dome.

Shot a young Coyote and an Arctomys. Saw Ammospermophilus & S. mollis and Perodipus mounds in Smoky Valley.