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[[underlined]] Monitor Valley [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 6 [[/underlined]] Remained at camp making up specimens & setting traps

[[underlined]] June 7 [[/underlined]] Packed up & started early, following down the valley north - Passed Dianas Punch Bowl 3 miles below camp. This is a great hot spring that has built up a caleite mound 100 feet high & 300 feet wide, dome, or inverted bowl shaped. In the center is a kettle shaped cavity 75 feet across, 30 feet deep to the hot water & with perpendicular calcite sides. The water is very deep & clear, scarcely boiling. Hot springs break out all around the base & the water no longer fills the bowl. Warm springs abound in the vacinity.

On down the valley 6 miles to the Empire Ranch where we got a lot of minnows from a warm spring creek. 6 miles to the next ranch & 7 miles more to a little creek in bottom of valley & camped. Made up specimens & set a line of traps.

The valley continues to slope to the north.