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[[underlined]] Monitor Valley & Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 8 [[/underlined]] Instead of following around the valley bottom we cut over a ridge & came onto the foothills of the north end of the Monitor Mts. In about 16 miles we struck a small creek & followed up it on an old road into a gulch of the Mts. camped up 4 miles from the main road. Juniper, PinĂ´n & Cercocarpus surround us. The gulch grows rocky & snow lies in patches higher up the slope.

Camped at 2 P.M. & I climbed to one of the high peaks. Found good collecting ground so concluded to stay over a day.

[[underlined]] June 9 [[/underlined]] Shot Tamias & Calospermophilus in forenoon & made up skins in P.M.

[[underlined]] June 10 [[/underlined]] Broke camp at 8 AM & came back to the main road. Crossed several little creeks & came to The Willows, a deserted ranch. Then on, swinging to the east around the foot hills to the further extension of the valley & lunched at a big spring in the valley bottom - Then east to next ranch going lower & lower with the valley (32 mi.) (12 mi. of Eureka)