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[[underlined]] Ruby Mts. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] June 18. [[/underlined]]  Left Hankin's ranch, (2 miles south of Ruby Valley) and followed up the wood road into the mts. Climbed a steady steep grade for about 4 miles and camped at 7400 feet. Aneroid 6200 at ranch. Camped in grove of poplars on N.E. slope. In P.M. climbed up to 9000 feet & set traps while Oberholser set out a line of traps along the stream and springs near camp.

[[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] Sunday  Wrote letters in A.M. & sent the cook to P.O. at noon. Then went up the mountain to traps. Caught nothing of special interest. Oberholser got a Sorex. Set more traps.

[[underlined]] June 20 [[/underlined]] Got only Microtus nordax & Peromyscus in traps. Shot Lagomys. Oberholser got another Sorex & a lot of Tamias, a Calospermophilus & a S. oregonus. Made up skins all of P.M.

[[underlined]] June 21 [[/underlined]] Went to top of the range and climbed one of the peaks near the highest but not the highest. Shot Tamias and Calospermophilus & Juncos & Lagomys.

Transcription Notes:
It seems likely that the repeated word "aneroid" is actually "arrived", but I left it as is because it is an accurate visual rendition of the writing.