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There are great masses of rock cropping out but the ridges are mainly smoothely rounded, grassy and open. Hundreds of pretty little streams run down the gulches and are usually bordered by willows and groves of poplars. Flowers color the slopes, yellow of Wyethia & Balsamorrhiza, blue and yellow of Lupines, blue of iris.
We camped a couple of miles down the west slope at a little creek and poplar grove with good water, shade wood, and grass to the horses knees, the best camping ground we have had on the trip. Made up our mornings catch of mammals and wrote reports the rest of day. Set a few traps for Microtus & Thomomys.
Came only 10 miles and are about 55 miles from Elko where we are due June 28.
Aneroid 6150 at camp in Ruby Valley, 7400 on summit.
Spermophilus oregonus ^[[?]] is abundant over the summit and down the west slope.