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[[underlined]] Humboldt Valley [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] June 30 [[/underlined]] Started at 6 A.M., followed down the gulch about 6 miles to the river, then followed the river past Becowawe & Shoshone and camped at a ranch 10 miles from Battle Mountain. Came about 35 miles.
A big tule swamp S.E. of Battle Mountain ought to be a good place for Microtus, Fiber, Reithrodontomys & marsh birds.

[[underlined]] July 1. [[/underlined]] At Battle Mountain I took the train to Winnemucca, leaving Walter Fisher to bring the outfit along the valley. Reached Winnemucca at 5:20 P.M., got my mail & did some writing.

[[underlined]] July 2 [[/underlined]] Wrote most of day. Found out about roads across to Madeline Plains, & set out my traps.

[[underlined]] July 3 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Caught 5 Perodipus, Utamias pictus, Mononys nevadensis, Microdipodops, saw lots of S. mollis.
The boys arrived at 11 A.M. Got our supplies and moved down valley about 6 miles & camped in sagebrush. Mosquitos are very bad.