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[[underlined]] Up Smoke Creek  July 8 [[/underlined]] Walter Fisher caught the big footed Perodipus, Dipodomys merriami, Neotoma desertorum (very small) & Peromyscus truei in a few traps set close around camp. There are many large sand dunes in the valley where I should expect to catch Dipodomys desert, but they are rare near our spring. Lepus texianus came into camp and sat around close to us. Casey shot a hole through the ears of one with the rifle just to mark it.
Started at 7 A.M. & traveled west 15 miles to the Salt Marsh, then west to Smoke Creek 8 miles beyond, then up Smoke Creek to the big ranch 9 miles from valley and camped. Came 32 miles, only a 15 mile space without water. Road not very good, a little sand & some uphill.
Aneroid 3950 at morning camp and all along edge of valley, 4350 at ranch camp.
Lizzards numerous along side of valley, collected 6 species & horntoads. Several Lower Sonoran shrubs & Dalea glandulosa, Atriplex lenliformis & others, are conspicuous on this hot south slope.
Got 2 species of young minnows in lower end of Smoke Creek near where it drys up.