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[[underlined]] Upper Smoke Creek [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 9 [[/underlined]] Followed up Smoke Creek 2 or 3 miles and turned out over the rim onto mesa above and then continued along top of canyon to head of creek on S. side of Observation Peak. Over a low divide east of peaks and down to Horns Ranch near the summit, then 6 miles farther down to Moultons Ranch on Madeline Plains & camped. Came 25 miles over stony roads mostly up hill. Aneroid at camp in morning 4300, top of canyon 4900, Spring at head of Smoke Creek 5500 Summit 5800, Moultons 5500.

Observation Peak stands at the S.E. corner of Madeline Plains. is a sharp, symetrical old crater cone. The whole Smoke Creek country is a lava plateau through which the creek has cut a deep canyon. Springs come out at frequent intervals along the canyon & above. One immense spring throws out a good big stream, the source of Smoke Creek. In this spring are 3 kinds of fish, two native minnows & trout.

Transition Zone plants predominate on mesa above canyon with Juniperus occidentalis & Cercocarpus ledifolius over the summit.

The new species of Artemisia covers nearly half the ground on mesa, [[underlined]] arbuscula [[/underlined]] is common with it.