Viewing page 54 of 57

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[[blank page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Distance traveled [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May [[/underlined]] 6 25   [[underlined]] June [[/underlined]]  25 4
7 25                       26 15
10 16                       27 35
11 25                       28 13
12 14                       29 35
13 15                       30 35
14 30             [[subtotal]] 137

28 12   [[underlined]] July 1 [[/underlined]] 28
29 17                        2 27
30 11                        3 18
31 20                        4 30

[[subtotal]] 210             5 30
[[underlined]] June [[/underlined]] 2 20                        6 30
3 28                        7 34
4 6                         8 32
5 27                        9 25
7 22                       10 30
8 20                       11 40
10 32                       12 27
11 16                       13 27
14, 25                       14 25
 15 40                       15 25
16 15            [[subtotal]] 428
17 25
18 4
24 15
[[subtotal]] 295    210
       [[subtotal]] 1070

Transcription Notes:
Might be a check mark above July