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[[underline]]Virginia Point[[/underline]]

side of the bay. Came back to Galveston and crossed over to Virginia Point. Took my gun and started over the prairie to find a ranch where we could locate. Tramped till dark without any success, Staid at a ranch over night & slept in the barn but decided not to stay longer

[[underline]]April 12[[/underline]], Got up early & ate breakfast by lamp. Started out again, in search of a place to stay. Soon found a ranch where we could get board & be in a good locality for work – with Mr. Lee Dick, about 2 miles N.E. of the station at Virginia point, out on open prairie but near an arm of the bay & salt marshes.
Wired gray to follow him & he came out in P.M. Set traps, caught geomys & shot a spilogale & shot birds Made up skins & set more traps