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[[underlined]] Houston to Richmond [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] April 16 [[/underlined]], Left Houston at 9:15 AM & reached Richmond at 10:20

Prairie country all the way except where one or two streams carry strips of timber across toward the gulf.  Much of the country occupied by cotton and corn and [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] sugar cane farms.  The usual prairie mounds are common most of the way, though absent from several wide areas.  Geomys hills common where the mounds are and no where else. [[strikethrough]] except [[/strikethrough]]

Sunday, wrote most of day.  Rained

[[underlined]] April 17 [[/underlined]]

Wasted most of the day trying to find a place out in the country to stay & work.  The people are too lazy to be obliging or else too poor.  The ranch owners live in town.  Niggers rent and work most of the land and raise cotton to sell & corn to eat.  There is fine timber along the river in dense, moss draped forests, but most of the country is level prairie and rich soiled.  The roads are writched since the hard rain yesterday.