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[[underlined]] Port La Vaca [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] April 23[[/underlined]] Took a long tramp up the shore and found a host of new plants - mostly chapperal shrubs of the Rio Grande Country  - A big native yucca, [[underlined]] Opuntia engelmani, vulgaris [[/underlined]], [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] and a slender one like [[underlined]] [[tiksillata?]] [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Prosopis juliflora [[/underlined]] is abundant, so is
[[underlined]] Acacia farnesia [[/underlined]], and a smaller one, & [[underlined]] Sisbania cavanillesia, Berberis trifoliata, Bumelia [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] lyssium [[/underlined]], 2 or 3 species of [[underlined]] Condylea [[/underlined]], and a few [[underlined]] Parkinsonia aculeata [[/underlined]], & others

This chapperal strip is confined to the shore ridges & most of the way is very narrow, but very dense & very thorny

[[underlined]] April 24 [[/underlined]] Left Port La Vaca at 9 AM and returned to Victoria and then to Quero where we arrived at noon. Found Mesquite & Huesatche prairie up to nursery and then struck open growth of post oaks & live oaks & kept in them to Quero.  The country becomes more hilly as we get north.  We follow near the river which may account for both hills & timber

Transcription Notes:
"Acacia farnesia" is Acacia farnesiana Sisbania cavanillesia = Sesbania cavanillesii Lyssium might mean Lycium. Huesatche = Huisache Quero is probably Cuero, TX.