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Quartermaster Generals Office
Washington DC Feby 13'1866

Maj Genl O O Howard
Comr Bureau of R F and A L
Washington D C


You are respectfully informed that Col W C Garber Chief Q.M. Dept of U C. Raleigh N C has been directed to cause to be turned over to the proper officer of the Freedmens Bureau Ten (10) buildings at Goldsboro N C which were erected by the late rebel Government.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
By order of the QM General
[[signature]] J J Dana [[signature]]
Col QM Dept & Bvt. Brig General.

official copy respectfully furnished for the information of Col Whittlesy
Asst Comr, Raleigh N C

[[signature]] Maywood [[(Hull ?)]]
Ass't Adj't Gen'l