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Quartermaster General's Office
Washington DC April 3rd 1866
Major General O. O. Howard
Com'r Bureau R. F. etc
Washington DC

You are respectfully informed that Capt. Thomas S Johnston Chf. Q. M. Freedmens Bureau has this day been authorized through Col. M. C. Couleer Chf Q. M. Dep't of N. C. Raleigh N. C. to sell any old Gov't sheds or Buildings in the possession of the Freedmen's Bureau in the Department of N. C to the Benevolent Association of Friends of Phil'a and vicinity, or other associations for school or church purposes, for Freedmen - and to regularly account for the funds realized from such sales as pertaining to the Freedmens Bureau.

Very respectfully You Ob'd't Servant
By Order Q. M. Gen'l
(Sigd.) J J Dana
Col Q. M. Dep.'t. Bvt. Brig. Gen.'l U.S.A.

Official Copy respectfully furnished for the information of Col. E. Whittlesy Ass't Comr.

[[signature of C. A. Howard]]

Bvt. Brig. Genl and A. A. A. Gen'l.