Viewing page 39 of 521

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[[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]]

 — | — | — || 2:40 | CK OUT WITH LT. COL. PAYNE JENNINGS.
   |   |   || 1:05 | COPILOT WITH LT. NILSE.
 — | — | — || [[red underline]] 7:40 [[/red underline]] | [[checkmark]] } 2 BALL ALERT
2:00 | —  | — || [[red underline]] 3:00 [[/red underline]] | [[checkmark]] } DELIVER GASOLINE WITH 7th BOMB GROUR
 — | — | — || [[red underline]] 5:40 [[/red underline]] | [[checkmark]] } 9th "[[ditto for Bomb]] Sqdn. LT. MURPHY
 — | — | — || 3:30 | } CK CAPT. GREER - LT. ZAHREN
 — | — | — || 2:40 | }  FOR RATING. - 9th Sqdn.
 — | — | — || 2:40 | LT. ZAHREN - 9th Sqdn
 — | — | — || 2:20 | LT. MUNDAY - 9th "[[ditto for Sqdn]]
 — | — | — || 3:50 | MAJ. KYES - C.O. 9th } Insmt
 — | — | — || 2:20 | " " " "[[ditto for MAJ. KYES - C.O. 9th]] } practice
 — | — | — || v | RADAR PHOTO TESTS ON [[strikethrough]] APQ-13 [[/strikethrough]] APS-15
 — | — | — || 3:00 | LT. RAY VEACH }
"[[ditto for LT.]] D. H. BASHOR } 492 Sqdn.
   |   |   || 3:15 | VEACH }
   |   |   || 2:35 | CK MAJ H. L. GANDY C.O. 492nd INSTMTS 
2:00 |   |   || 46:15 | Totals for SEPTEMBER 44

801:15 | 195:50 | 194:50 || 4652:45 |

Transcription Notes:
Was unsure how to transcribe parentheses on rows 4-8. First three parentheses bracket three rows together (i.e. 7:40, 3:00 and 5:40), and the following two form a further set [i.e. 3:30 and 2:40].