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17 | Tues. Talked to Parker of Delta, Pettite of TWA, etc. | | 1 

18 | Wed Conf. w. Ammon of Amer. Airlines also went to Denver- | | 1 

19 | Thurs- Denver- Visited Russ Cunningham- Lunch Cunningham, Bill Johnson - Geo Bowen - Conf w. Brinkman Bowen, et al - Entertainment and dinner with Bowen and Brinkman | | 1 

20 | Fri. Conf. w. Perry, Brinkman, Brandenberg, Bowen, Mann, et al Lunch- contnd in afternoon- Preliminary quote on IX- | | 1 

21 | Sat. Fishing with Petry and Bowen- | | 1

22 | Sun. Returned to NY- | | 1 

23 | Mon. Conf. w. Jammer et al on TWA situation | | 1

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[[start page]]

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[[four column table]] 
24 | Tues- Russ Pettite, Schaperkotter, Singer re answer to our proposal- | | 1 

25 | Wed- Conf. w. JSJ et al re TWA. | | 1 

26 | Thurs- Washington to visit Capital- | | 1 

27 | Fri- Visited Bureau of Standards & Air Comptroller in Wash | | 1 

28 | Sat- Returned to N.Y. | | 1 

29 | Sun- Afternoon with Buttner at Beach- | | 

30 | Mon- Wrote reports on visits to Capital, Air Comptroller & Bur. of Stds- misc other paper work | | 1 

31 | Tues.- Paper work- Lunch with Gildwist Worked on letter to TWA | | 1 