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117th Day   U. S. Grant - Born 1822   248 Days to come
[[double line]]

[[underlined]] Lake St [[/underlined]]

Miss K off, off a/c "pain in stomik."

Discussed 5014 optal procedures with Dave. He agrees on separation of 5014 proper from sales order control machine.

Allegretti here on accounting & bookkeeping

Dave got recording loop working reliably for first time. Says it is because of new concept re: playback: By putting resistor in one of grid cots[[guess]], caused grid limiting which permits one side of waves to overlap thus greatly increasing pulse density.

Cirillo to revise autoput of power line.

100/[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4
Attended meeting of PGEC of IRE on computers - Kite Sharple[[guess]]