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[[stamped]] JUNE 13 1876 [[/stamped]]
Col. S. C. LYFORD, War Department, Chairman.
Adm'l THORNTON A. JENKINS, Navy Department.
Hon. R. W. TAYLER, Treasury Department.
Hon. JOHN EATON, Interior Department.
Dr. C. F. MACDONALD, Post Office Department.
WM. SAUNDERS, Esq., Agricultural Department.
Prof. S. F. BAIRD, Smithsonian Institution, and Commissioner of Food Fishes.
WM. A. DE CAINDRY, Secretary.
Col. JOSEPH S. CONRAD, U.S.A., Disb. Officer.

International Exhibition, 1876.
Board on behalf of U.S. Executive Departments,
 No. 1735 F Street N.W.,
[[strikethrough]] No. 1725 G Street N.W., [[/strikethrough]]
Washington, D. C., ^[[June 12]]  187^[[6]]

Prof S. F. Baird,
Representative of Smithsonian Institution, Phila Pa.


Yours of 10th inst., commanded my immediate personal attention. I find that, by oversight, the amount of Prof. Donaldson's first voucher ($3.033.50) was added in as a disbursement of last month, in addition to the sum of $3274.[[underline]] 62 [[/underline]] (not $3774. [[underline]] 62 [[/underline]] ) actually paid him. I send you a corrected notification, showing balance in Treasury and in hand of Disb. Officer on May 31. $16.917.^[[underline]] 70 [[/underline]] (not $16.892.69 as stated by you,) which amount agrees with the Treasury account and the books of the Disbursing Officer, to which I have referred in verification of my own. I send you a list of payments in May, as requested. I also send you an exhibit of your appropriation as of date May 31. 1876.

Regretting the oversight that has occasioned this letter, I am Professor

Your obedient servant,
W^m A. DeCaindry 
Sec'y &c. &c