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Col. S. C. Lyford, War Department Chairman.
Adm'l Thornton A. Jenkins, Navy Department.
Hon. R. W. Tayler, Treasury Department.
Hon. John Eaton, Interior Department.
Dr. C. F. Macdonald, Post Office Department.
Wm. Saunders, Esq., Agricultural Department.
Prof. S. F. Baird, Smithsonian Institution, and Commissioner of Food Fishes.
Wm. A. De Caindry, Secretary.
Col. Joseph S. Conrad, U. S. A.,
Disb. Officer.


International Exhibition, 1876.
Board on behalf of U. S. Executive Departments,

No. 1725 G Street N.W.,
Washington, D.C. ^[[Jany 3d]] 187^[[6]]

Profsr S. F. Baird,
^1876 + 1877
[[Refr-?]]Smithsonian Institution
Your letter of this date enclosing corrected vouchers of Renfrew + Co Quebec, and their check for $8.05,[[?]]received.  The funds will be placed to the credit of your appropriation, + I return the vouchers to you as I do not require them, [[+?]] Please to retain them in case they may be required for future reference. [[JSC?]]
J.S. Conrad
Col + D.O.