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Office Asst Supt Freedmen
Greensboro N. C. July 25" 1865.

Col E. Whittlesey
Asst Comssr


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of July 19" also Circulars from Genl Howard. so far I have things in pretty good working order but are [[?]] quite as complete as I wish to make it." from July 18" to present date I have issued to Freedmen One hundred and twenty one rations. as to the number of rations required up to 30" Sept I cannot at present form any correct estimate, but it will be larger than heretofore, for there are daily more and more being thrown from their homes who will have to be subsisted for a short time. I have been very cautious as to Transportation and subsistence and have endevoured to issue only to those who are justly entitled to