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[[underlined]] Kings Ranch to San Ignatio [[/underlined]]  

[[underlined]] April 26 [[/underlined]]  Traveled south all day and camped at night at Santa Rosa Ranch.  Crossed big prairies & and a few strips of mesquite brush.  Found more sand & at Santa Rosa big sand dunes & ridges with ponds & sloughs in the hollows between.  Live oak & mesquites on ridges.
Camped in mesquite grove near a lake that was alive with water birds.  Came about 25 miles.

[[underlined]] April 27. [[/underlined]]  Traveled south all day over big, sandy prairie with a few groves of live oak or mesquite in places.  Most of the time out of sight of trees.  Prairie brilliant with flowers, which alternate in giving their tints to the landscape.  In places the prairie is yellow with one or two species of Coreopsis, Ciniceo, or Oenothera, orange brown with Thallispermas, pink with phlox & Oenothera, scarlet with Castilleas, white with daisies.
Camped in grove of live oaks full of birds.
Came about 25 miles, are 50 mi. N. of Brownsville.

Transcription Notes:
Maybe Ciniceo = Senecio ? Thallisperma = Thelesperma ?