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[[underlined]] to Del Rio [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 17 [[/underlined]] Oberholser came at noon, had been delayed by rain & streams & had shot a piece out of his hand.  Waited about an hour with him & then took the train for Del Rio.

Soon crossed the Nueces River with its extensive and somewhat wood of bottoms, climbed onto higher, more open land.  Mesquite plain is characteristic yet but the mesquites are more dwarfed & scattered, low shrubs come in, grass covers the whole region which seems to be an extra good stock range.

West of Spofford the country becomes more arid and lots of new plants come in of real desert species.

Thence to Del Rio the country is typical arid land - hay desert.  Saw blue quail west of Spofford.

The lower escarpment of the staked plains shows as a line of hills to the north until near Stannart. 

Reached Del Rio at 7 P.M.

Went to Franks Hotel.