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[[underlined]] to Pecos High Bridge [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 18 [[/underlined]] Drove down to the Rio Grande through the irrigated farms & mexican ranchereos. The river is still high but it has gone down from the recent flood that covered the flats. From Del Rio to the river the country is low & level enough for irrigation. Most of it is in fields of [[strikethrough]] grain [[/strikethrough]] corn or grass or cotton or vegetables or orchards & vineyards. Not half of the water from the big springs of San Felipe Creek is used & much more land could be cultivated.

Figs & pomegranites & banana trees & palm do well

[[strikethrough]] In P [[/strikethrough]] Went out to the big springs, 3 great [[strikethrough]] boiling [[/strikethrough]] holes in the ground where the whole river boils out, clear, cold & sparkling, from horizontal layers of lime rock.

Above Tours the country is very deserty & barren.

Left Del Rio at 4:40 PM for Pecos bridge & arrived there before dark 

At Devils River we run close on one side to the Rio Grande & to big cliffs on the other.  Great caves & sharp canyons mark the cliffs.  Instead of following the Rio Grande the R.R. turns up Devils River and out over the mesa by Comstock.