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[[underlined]] Alpine [[/underlined]]  

[[underlined]] May 23. [[/underlined]]  Found Alpine a wretched little railroad town in the middle of a big, barren valley, surrounded by low mountains.  Got a team & drove out to the ranch of Judge Brockenbrow 3 miles south of town in a corner of the mts.  Found it a beautiful place among live oaks with rocky slopes & cliffs rising abruptly 2000 feet from the house.  In part the ranch looks out over the smooth valley.
Set traps around base of rock cliff.
Shot a Lynx

[[underlined]] May 24. [[/underlined]]  Went to top of the highest peak near the ranch, - about 6000 feet.  From it we could see rough peaks & ridges on all sides.  The whole country seems a mass of low, either barren, rough & rocky mts. of volcanic origin.  The rock is hard and perhaps metamorphic in places & again porous and evidently of late origin.  No good craters seen.
Scattered junipers high up.  No solid timber, just scattered live oaks, brush cactus, Yuccas & Dasylirion & Agaves.