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[[underlined]] to El Paso & Cloudcroft [[/underlined]]  

[[underlined]] May 25 [[/underlined]]  Hunted, made up skins, photographed and worked around the ranch.

[[underlined]] May 26 [[/underlined]]  Went down to Alpine in evening & waited for El Paso train till 1 A.M. [[strikethrough]] in morning. [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] May 27. [[/underlined]]  Took train in night & woke up near Sierra Blanca.  Found the same old, dry, barren desert with its rich oder of creosote bush.

Arrived at El Paso at 8:40 & found there was no Sunday train for Almogordo.  Went to the hotel Pierson & then over to Juarez.  A hot day.

[[underlined]] May 28 [[/underlined]]  Left El Paso at 10:30 AM for Almogardo, N.M.  Passed Ft. Bliss out on the mesa.  a neat looking post on a barren Larrea plain.  A typical desert.  Continued on over smooth desert valley, growing more sandy [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] and barren, between bare rocky ranges of desert mts.  No timber, no streams, no water.  As the soil becomes more sandy the Yuccas (a tall form of angustifolia)