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[[underlined]] June 7-14 [[/underlined]] Worked about Twin Oaks & Escondido, trapping in valley & up the gulch among hills.  Caught Thomomys high up & low down. Collected a lot of birds & a few plants.
The country is dry.  A few springs in hills & open water places in valley are drinking places for birds & mammals.

The mountains are about 1500 to 2000 feet high, granite with rounded peaks & boulders & ledges projecting.  They are steep, eroded ridges with gravelly soil covered with chaparral of Adenostima, scrub oak, Manzanita, Erriogonum, Rhus & other bushes growing in a tangle.  The west slopes are more brushy than the east.
The valleys are mostly cultivated in grain & fruit which usually do well without irrigation but for 3 years have been too dry for good crops.  There is very little irrigation 

Wheat, oaks barley, corn & alfalfa are the main crops.
Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangarines, olives, figs, peaches, apricots, 

Transcription Notes:
Can't find a plant named Adevastrina or variations thereof ... Think it might be Adenostima possibly a misspelling of Adenostoma.