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[[underlined]] Browns Valley [[/underlined]] is a wretched little mining camp in a narrow gulch.
A few orange trees in one yard were loaded with ripe fruit.
There is little to mark the line between Lower & Upper Sonoran zones but it is probably near Browns Valley.

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[[underlined]] Browns Valley [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 19. [[/underlined]]  Did not get off till afternoon 
Traveled east 12 miles to [[underlined]] Browns valley [[/underlined]] and camped a mile beyond.  Struck the foot hills about 8 miles east of Marysville after crossing level, fertile valley all fenced & in grain.   Grain ripe and [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] a good crop.  A few orchards & vineyards.  Back a few miles from Marysville we struck scattered oaks (Q. douglasi) which increased in abundance on the foothills.  No other tree in valley except along the river where willows & cottonwoods form dense groves.

Wild oats, turkey mullein & a few small plants & grasses grow, or have grown, & now stand dry, in the fence corners.

High dikes (the "Yube dam") extend back from Marysville to near the foothills to protect the land from overflow.  The valley land is valued at from 100 to 500 dollars per acre.

The foothill country is not steep or rough but the soil is stony & poor except on the bottom strips.  The hills are covered with scattered oaks.  Ceonothus cuneatus & Rhamnus calif ?, Rhus Trilobata, and back near Browns Valley Pinus sabiniana begins. 

Transcription Notes:
Ceonothus cuneatus likely = Ceanothus cuneatus