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[[underlined]] to Dobbins [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 20. [[/underlined]]  Continued all day along creek valleys and over ridges to near Dobbins & camped at ranch. In low foothills all the way, good ranches in valley bottoms, hills dry & brushy & covered with scattering forest of oaks, digger pines, Ceonothus, & Arctostaphylos.
A few Pinus ponderosa appeared before we reached [[underlined]] Oregon Creek [[/underlined]] but kept on the cold slopes & gulches.  Passed beautiful groves of old blue oaks (Q. douglasi) with their white trunks & mossy branches & elm shaped tops.

Came up very slowly & camped [[underlined]] near Dobbins [[/underlined]] at about 2000 feet.  Came only 18 miles.

Crossed Oregon Creek at noon and found Alnus, Platinus & such trees along its banks.

Orchards of apples, peaches, pears, plums and figs are common along the road.  Grain & hay are the principal crops.  Mining is the main industry of the country.  Nearly every brook & gulch have been dug & washed.