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Crossed the river & followed up long grade to [[underlined]] Camptonville [[/underlined]] on ridge at 2780 & on upgrade 3 miles farther to road station on ridge at 3750 & camped.

No grass except in a few fenced in patches, plenty of streams & springs. Thick chaparral & good timber.

Came 22 miles.

[[underlined]] June 22 [[/underlined]] Climbed steadily up easy grade & good road along crest of ridge till nearly 5000 feet, 4800 was the highest reading but higher ridges were crossed.  Deep canyons down steep slopes & rivers on both sides.  Splendid forest in which P. ponderosa, P. lambertiana, Pseudotsuga, Libocidrus decurrens, and Abies magnifica? hold about equal rank.  Trees often 8 feet in diameter & 150 or more high.  Sugar pine is probably the largest on an average.  Cameobatia forms miles of beautiful clean carpet dotted with flowers.  Arctostophylos manzanita takes the places of viscida.  A large white flowered Ceanothus is common & the thorny C. cordulatus forms solid masses. Entamias quadrimaculatus is common.