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[[underline]] to Sierra Buttes [[/underline]]

[[underline]] June 24 [[/underline]]
Camp 4000. 9 AM.
Horses went back about 4 miles so we got a late start. Followed up the river gulch, rising slowly and steadily. Came to [[red pencil underline]] Sierra City [[/red pencil underline]] in about 4 miles, (4300 feet) Then turned north up North Fork of the South fork of N. Yuba R. & camped at noon at 5150 feet at old cabin, at E. base of a mass of tall, jagged peaks ^[[insertion]] ([[underlined]] Sierra Buttes [[/underlined]])[[/insertion]] that we saw from Marysville. Large banks of snow lie at their base about 2000 feet above us. 
Steep slopes covered with chaparral & scattered forests of Pinus ponderosa & Pseudotsuga & Libocedrus & Abies loweana. At 4800 feet on E. slope, struck abundance of ^[[insertion]] Ceonothus cordulatus, C, -- [[/insertion]], Quercus vaccinifolium, ? Arctostophylis marginata, Castanopsis & ^[[insertion]] a few [[/insertion]] P. lambertiana. This really ? marks a change to Canadian Zone on E. slopes. From camp we can see hemlocks [[insertion]] hemlocks [[/insertion]] near the snow [[insertion]] snow [[/insertion]] 2000 feet above us on N.E. slope. 
Sprained my ankle in morning and found riding so painful decided to remain at lunch camp over night. Came only 10 miles. Goldman set out a line of traps. I could not walk. Shot one large Eutamius senex?