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[[underlined]] July 1 [[/underlined]]  Started for Weber Lake by the short cut road but took several wrong roads & finally camped on the summit ^[[insertion]] at 7300 feet, [[/insertion]] a mile from the lake & overlooking it from the north.  Set traps for Microtus & hunted Chipmunks.

Traveled S.W. from Sierraville & soon left the sagebrush valley & followed up a creek among Yellow pines & firs to the sawmill, then up a steeper slope striking edge of Canadian zone at 6100 in steep N.E. fields, passing from P. ponderosa & jeffreyi, Libocedrus & Abies loweana to Abies magnifica, P. monticola, Acer glabrum, end at 7000 to P. Murryana.  This change from Transition to Canadian is about 7 miles S.W. of Sierraville.

Eutamias amoenus is common in Sierra valley & up to edge of Canadian zone.  No species seen in Canadian.  Several fresh bear & deer tracks were seen.  C. chrysodiurus is common.  An old quail & brood of tiny young were nearly trampled by our horses feet.