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[[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 3 [[/underlined]]  Climbed to head of our canyon to Summit Lake [[insert]]at 8400[[/insert]] & a snowy peak above it at 9000 feet.  Could look down on Independence Lake, White-rock Lake, the lake at head of N. Yuba R. & a dozen more of various sizes.  Found that a semicircle of cinder & lava crests formed the peaks around the head of the canyon that had been cut out to the north [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] through the rim of [[/insertion]] an immense crater.  The crater is very old.  The glaciers have cut deep into the granite. Lakes fill the scooped out places.  Snow banks are extensive and deep & hard but no glaciers among them. The snowbanks are common down to 8000 feet.

At 7700 feet on N.E. steep slope Tsuga begins & extends to top of peaks on warm slopes. At 8400 feet Bryanthus begins & is common above. Pinus monticola reaches to 9000 and becomes dwarfed & prostrate, only distinguishable from albicaulis by its cones. Juniperus occidentalis?, Circocarpus ledifolius?, Artemisia tridentata, and a little Artemisia come up on dry slopes and rocky ledges to the summit and above. 

Transcription Notes:
circocarpus = cercoparpus